Nathan Pasko

Nathan Pasko Facts

1 serving per container

Serving size

5ft 8in

Amount per serving



% Daily Value*








Nathan Pasko is a designer, developer & musician. The % Daily Value tells you how much an aspect of Nathan contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories in a day is used for general nutrition advice.

Cavalcade v0.3

October 27, 2018

screenshot of creature and nodules screenshot of creature with feet and a candle

Used a Layer Mask to keep the raycast used by the doors from hitting the player, fixing a bug where doors would flicker between interactable/non-interactable. Added animated "onboarding" info screen with brief instructions to the player re: sound, controls, etc. Ongoing refinement of body physics. the game now contains 12 rooms, which feels like a good number. Final stages of development will include finalizing the layout of the rooms, as well as how objects and lights within the rooms are arranged.

dim screenshot of large creature partially obscuring the camera red-lit screenshot of fleshy puddle and emerging nodule

© 2024 Nathan Pasko